KensieMae’s Coronavirus (COVID19) Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity Action Plan
Business continuity is about preparedness, redundancy, flexibility, and responsiveness. As we all adjust to this pandemic’s effects and how it has, or may, impact our businesses and more importantly our families and loved ones, our team is closely monitoring the news and updates by the hour. We have met with each business unit, and have reviewed our continuity and contingency policies to ensure all appropriate and possible steps have been taken to prevent any disruption to our services and support.
So, how is KensieMae prepared and what actions are we taking?
Key aspects of our continuity & readiness to highlight:
All company records, client records, project records, critical software, and necessary business digital information are managed through an ultra-secure Microsoft Azure Network with full redundancy. No critical information is singularly stored on a local machine or drive or network. A daily, local back up of key and critical records and business operation-critical data is maintained.
All KensieMae & KensieMae Technologies employees are fully equipped to operate remotely and securely. It’s actually how our business is built, and part of our framework and infrastructure. Further, as our team operates from 18+ states, risk of disruption due to a quarantine or localized “hot-spot”, along with ensuring coverage across a large geographic spread, are built into the fiber of our organization already. Our physical office locations have preparedness plans, and business operations are able to be conducted without disruption, should we close an office location. While many companies are adjusting to a telecommuting environment, it’s business as usual for us.
We already adhere and leverage the most secure technology, environments, and communication portals to protect our own technology, as well as the confidential information of our partners/clients and their borrowers.
In addition to a secure remote workplace, we have and continue to communicate the most recent CDC guidelines and guidance to our team and best practices on how to remain healthy during this time.
All key-personnel have cross-trained backups, and all systems have redundancy with no less than 2 persons having access to admin credentials and access.
We have reached out to all of our technology, telecommunication, and service providers for information on their continuity plans and readiness, and have identified a backup/alternate provider for all core/critical systems.
We are expecting the best, but preparing for the worst. We value the health and wellness of our employees, partners, and clients. We continue to operate as is and do not anticipate any interruption in our business and the service to our clients. If you have any questions at all, please let us know. We are more than happy to discuss and ensure you that we have the policies and procedures in place to avoid interruption to business as usual.
Stay safe, stay healthy, eat your vegetables, don’t get in a fist fight over toilet paper, and give us a call if you need us.
Best Regards,
Ryan R. Jerome, Co-Founder & CEO
KensieMae / KensieMae Technologies