ITP Automation

ITP Automation


Set it and forget it

Set it and forget it! Automate intent to proceed upon opening the loan based on the eSignature of one or all borrowers. No more manually going through the packages in disclosure tracking to indicate ITP based on data that is already in the system.  This utility allows automation based on the Disclosure Tracking audit trail and now supports both web-ready Enhanced Disclosure Logs and Standard Disclosure Logs. Manual overrides are enabled to allow Integrations with other 3rd party origination systems through custom field mapping. Appraisal ordering compliance is solved!

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  • Intelligently determines the ITP status based on eSignatures from just one OR all borrowers

  • Seamlessly integrates with any system that populates eDisclosure tracking details including Consumer Connect, Loan Connect, and Blend

  • Provides flexibility for manual overrides and custom field mapping for integration with TPO’s

  • Enhanced Log Support: Now works with both Standard and Enhanced Disclosure Logs

No Brainer ROI: For every 100 closed loans, this tool eliminates 2,000 clicks, and more than 1 hour of manual efforts per month.